French Adverbs Are No Mystery: Here's How to Identify and Place Them
Here's how to recognize, form, and use French adverbs, with info on the main adverb types and their placement and a list of 10 popular adverbs.
일부 예외적으로 동사보다 선행하는 경우 (ex. Parfois = sometimes)를 제외하면 대부분의 French adverb는 동사 다음에 나옴
ex) J'aimais beaucoup mon travail (O), J'aimais mon travail beaucoup (X)
Beaucoup" is an adverb. "Beaucoup de" is a preposition.
Just like "a lot" is an adverb and "a lot of" is a preposition.
"J'ai beaucoup aimé mon travail" is accepted as well. The placement of the adverb should be just after the auxiliary.
Adverb modifying a verb:
- Beaucoup = much/a lot (adverb): I like my job a lot = J'aime beaucoup mon travail.
Preposition before a noun:
- Beaucoup de = many/much/a lot of: I like a lot of things = J'aime beaucoup de choses.
Intensifiers are placed just after the verb: J'aimais beaucoup mon travail.
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