- Excellent writing
- Excellent choice of words: 가급적 매일 최소 7-10개의 새로운 단어, 표현 습득하려고 할 것
- Grammar
- Content: 생각이나 시야 자체가 성숙해야 + 풍분한 경험, should be memorable & unique
- Org. : your writing should be structured and logical
- Excellent choice of words: 가급적 매일 최소 7-10개의 새로운 단어, 표현 습득하려고 할 것
- Online resources to help you practice, practice & practice:
- 미국의 경우 90%이상 취약계층, 90%이상 이민자 등 유색인종, 90%이상 전 미국 평균 이상 학업 성취도를 보이는 학교들에 대해 조사한 결과 writing관련 교육을 강조하고 가능한 많은 writing연습, 훈련을 시키는 공통점이 발견 됨
- 단차원적인 단순 지식 평가보다 포괄적인 지식, 능력을 검증하는 최신 선진국 교육 추세
- IB (Int'l Baccalaureate) - 1968년 스위스에서 시작, 논술 형태 능력 함양 및 검증
- 논술 예시(2-4시간동안 작성)
- Do reading more pieces of literature make us more humane?
- Would desires in us be an indicator that we are incomplete or perhaps faulty in design?
- Is every truth deterministic by nature? Can we remain to be insensitive to the arts?
- 논술 예시(2-4시간동안 작성)
- IB (Int'l Baccalaureate) - 1968년 스위스에서 시작, 논술 형태 능력 함양 및 검증
- SKIM하는 사람 (Decision maker) 입장에서 user friendly하면 좋지 않을지?
- types of adjective
- opinion
- colour
- size
- shape
- condition
- material
- age
- 기타 한국인이 잘 틀리는 영어표현들
- ignore vs overlook / belittle / discount
- 전자는 말 그대로 못들은척하거나 무시하는 경우,
- I brought up the idea of a salary raise at my last meeting with my boss yet he completely ignored me. It was as if he hadn't even heard me.
- 후자는 overlook 간과하다, belittle, discount 과소평가하다
- Don't belittle the financial contribution that I have made to this business.
- One can never discount the contributions of Beethoven in cementing the early Romantic movement in Western classical music.
- I have given 20 of my best years to this company, but whenever it comes time for a promotion, I am always overlooked.
- 전자는 말 그대로 못들은척하거나 무시하는 경우,
- wish vs hope
- 전자는 이루어질수 없는 현실에 대한 아쉬움, 후자는 희망 피력
- I wish I had some superpower to fight the evil.
- I wish that degrees weren't so important in today's society.
- I hope that in the near future real ability and passion earn just as much respect as a degree
- I hope I will be famous someday.
- 전자는 이루어질수 없는 현실에 대한 아쉬움, 후자는 희망 피력
- knew vs thought
- 전자는 예상대로 실제 일어났을때, 후자는 예상과 현실이 다를때,present같은경우 뜻 흡사
- I knew you would show up / I knew I would pass the exam.
- I really thought I would pass the exam. I guess I had too much confidence in me. I guess I overestimated myself.
- I know she will come back to me. She still loves me.
- 전자는 예상대로 실제 일어났을때, 후자는 예상과 현실이 다를때,present같은경우 뜻 흡사
- uncountable nouns
- a lot of luggage
- a word of advice
- His house is totally filled up with furniture; there is almost no place to sleep nor stand. (no plurals)
- I have a vast knowledge of energy business. He has a great depth of knowledge. (no plurals)
- You must enlarge your vocabulary right now. (Always singular)
- The company has a large staff.
- heritage (always singular)
- research (singular) ex) Much research has been done on the immunotherapy.
- gossip (always singular) He always spread gossip.
- doable = workable ex) Is tomorrow doable? That schedule sounds workable.
- unmistakable ex.) His voice is unmistakable. 그의 목소리는 헷갈릴수가 없다, 바로 알아듣는다
- It was an absolutely unforeseeable turn of events. 전혀 예상할수 없는 사태 전환이었습니다.
- I will never resign myself to fate. 나는 절대 운명이라고 체념하지 않겠다
- observe
- 관찰하다
- 풍습, 전통 등 지키다 Observe the Sabbath. (안식일을 지켜라)
- 준수하다 You are never good at observing traffic lights when driving.
- 지적하다 ex) We shared our presentation to the boss and he observed that there was a subtle lack of consistency. 우리가 pt를 보스와 공유하자, 그는 약간의 미묘한 일관성 결여가 있음을 지적하였다.
- heteronyms (noun, verb가 발음이 다른 단어들)
- estimate: 에스티밋, 에스티메이트
- alternate:
- an alternate (알터닛)for the role of the Wolverine
- Try to alternate (알터네이트) your intonation more when you speak
- minute: 분(미넷), 회의록(마이누트)
- moderate
- He is considered a political moderate(마더릿). 그는 정치적으로 온건한 사람으로 여겨진다
- He was appointed to moderate (마더레이트)the debate
- duplicate: a duplicate vs to duplicate
- deliberate:
- a deliberate attempt to escalate
- The jury must remember to deliberate(델리버레이트, 심사숙고하다) the facts of this case in a methodical, cool-headed fashion.
- dishearten 원기를 잃은 dispirited despondent dejected forlorn
- He has been up in his room absolutely disheartened since he heard the news that he would not be allowed to go on the school trip this year.
- irate 격노하다, 아이뤠이트, enraged extremely angry, livid
- He was irate when he saw the fall of his own kingdom.
- indignant: 억울해서 분노하다, angry because something is not fair
- he became very indignant when it was suggested he had made a mistake.
- That really backfired on you
- at this point in time = now
- No one was around to show me the ropes when I first got here. I pretty much had to fend for myself
- fend = to take care of oneself without any help from others
- I really hate to drop by without notice like this. I really hate to impose.
- impose = cause trouble, nuisance
- ignore vs overlook / belittle / discount
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